Start developing a Shopify app! What are the development languages, required skills, and learning steps?


For those who are planning to develop a Shopify app

In this article, we will introduce all the programming languages ​​and essential skills needed to develop a Shopify app.

For those who want to develop a Shopify app ,

I want you to acquire skills and knowledge in the shortest possible time without taking the long way around.


How to learn to develop a Shopify app

We will introduce you to the following.

Structure of this article
  1. The big picture of Shopify app development
  2. Programming languages ​​required for development
  3. Required Skills
  4. How to learn

The big picture of Shopify app development

The big picture of Shopify app development is as follows:

The whole picture will be explained in the video!

Programming languages ​​required for development

We will explain the programming languages ​​required for both front-end and back-end.

Of course, development using a template engine such as Ruby on Rails is also possible.

front end

Programming Language



React.js, Polaris

*A library is a collection of reusable code that provides a specific functionality. Although React.js can be described as a programming language, strictly speaking it is a JavaScript library.

Development will mainly focus on React.js, a JavaScript library.

Polaris is a library built on React.js that allows you to build designs similar to the Shopify store admin screen.


  1. Understanding JavaScript
  2. Understanding React.js
  3. Understanding Polaris

You need to learn.


Programming Language

Node.js (JavaScript)

*Node.js is a runtime environment for running JavaScript on the server side.





On the backend side, it doesn't matter what programming language or framework you use.

If you are an engineer, you should choose a development language that you are comfortable with.

If you are just starting to learn Shopify app development, I recommend developing with Node.js and Express.

This combination has the most information and the official Shopify library is also extensive.


  1. Understanding Node.js
  2. Understanding Express
  3. Understand databases (SQL)

will be required.

Required Skills and Knowledge

Shopify app development requires a lot of skills and knowledge.

Of course, you will also need skills required for general web application development, such as Git and security measures.

Shopify app development also requires the following skills:

Required Skills and Knowledge
  • Understanding OAuth2.0 to install apps on your Shopify store
  • Understanding RESTful APIs and Graphql APIs
  • Understanding Shopify's data structures
  • Understanding Webhooks for GDPR Compliance
  • Shopify Restrictions, Terms, and Security

*GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation): Data protection law and regulations of the European Union (EU)

"Understanding Shopify's data structure" means understanding how Shopify manages product information, etc.

Another thing that can be surprisingly troubling is Shopify's restrictions and terms.

For example, to obtain customer information via an API, prior approval must be obtained.

If you don't know this, you won't know why it's not working properly or what to do about it.


  1. Understanding OAuth2.0
  2. Understanding REST API and Graphql API
  3. Understanding Shopify's data structures
  4. Understanding Webhooks
  5. Understand Shopify's restrictions, terms, and security

will be required.

How to learn

You will need to learn React.js, Node.js, and Express to acquire basic web application development skills, and thoroughly read Shopify's Terms of Service , Partner Terms , and official app development documentation while checking the operation to acquire the necessary skills.

One way to learn is to thoroughly read the official documentation, develop sample apps repeatedly, and check that they work.

However, this method is very inefficient, and if you do it your own way, you may end up writing problematic programs.

Therefore, I have created a curriculum that will teach you everything from the basics to advanced applications of Shopify app development, and I recommend that you study it.

This curriculum teaches you the basics of React.js and Node.js, and carefully explains almost everything about Shopify app development, from the essential skills to extensions.

The curriculum is designed so that even those with no programming experience can learn.

The estimated study time is 800 hours! (A masterpiece lol)

Details of the study curriculum

The curriculum is explained in more detail in the following video:

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